Capability Enhancement – focused at building human capital with appropriate business training India modules for structured Learning and development inputs with contact programs in a workshop mode, designed and customized to the specific organization. Out corporate trainers include behavioral programs in class-room and outbound setting. Our business trainers also take feedbacks at individual level along with training ROI measurements for all Individual, team and leadership development programs.
We have been able to achieve People transformation with a combination of structured L&D inputs designed in line with strategy workshops and ongoing reviews to measure behavioral change.
Corporate training is an enabler to achieve organizational goals and business strategy. We deploy one trainer per organization who is accountable for customized content inputs, training implementation and training measurements as required by the partner organization.
‘GROW’ Mode

Step-01 Gather Facts
Raw Data
What do we do?
Understanding from Stakeholders
Record Interaction with role holders
Stakeholders Vision
Levels, Geography, Role
Mystery Shopping
Data Analysis
Most and least expressed
High Points
Process followed
Role understanding
Role Execution etc
Low Points
Growth etc
Actual v/s Expected
Present observations to Stakeholders
Gaps & Recommendations
Basis observed gaps
Learning input recommendation
Inputs & Sign-off
Stakeholders inputs and sign-off
Step-02 Reach Solutions
A learning solution basis facts(s) observed
Time & Funds to develop solution
No of Inputs
Frequency and time to be spent by participants
to learn and apply
Objectives & Outcome
For participants and the organization
Principles of Design
Instructional Design Principles
Design Document
Principles of Learning Delivery
Case Study
Role Play
Facilitator led Discussions
Work books
Industry research
Client research
Outcome of need analysis
Tools and Templates
Specific tools and templates design creation
for application
Skill Building Techniques
Tools to enhance knowledge
Step-03 Optimize Delivery
Train the Trainer
TTT on context & content
Certify trainer on content & Realities
Assessment and certification
Pre-assessment (knowledge and skill)
Learning sessions
Post-assessment (knowledge and skill)
Post Deployment Report
A post learning deployment report is received
from the respective trainers and the same is compiled and shared with the client. A post learning deployment report outlines
Feedback from
Overall feedback scores
Specific areas of success or area of improvement
Qualitative feedback about the faculty, effectiveness of learning and suggestions
Qualitative performance of the batch
Individual qualitative and quantitative inputs – skill & knowledge
Pride pointers
Areas of improvement
Suggested way forward
Step-04 Wellness Measure
Steering committee with Client to share
feedback & Outcomes.
Field audit reports based on specific
observation templates.
Measure of Retention and application
in session.
Post Intervention Audit:
After 20 to 45 days of the input application.
Evaluation on:
Retention Of Learning; Application Of Learning; Results Achieved.
At an Individual Department, Location & Organization level.
The post intervention Audit can also
be executed on a sample representing the universe.
Building Human Capital through behavioral programs / As a L&D firm in India:
We at Joy of Growing, while trying to understand the objective of the needed corporate training we ask questions like why is the is the input needed, who identified the gap, process followed for the same, observations recorded identifying the learning requirement, at times causing discomfort at the client site. The training need identification is normally a compilation of the developmental inputs needed section of the appraisal format of the organization. This usually captures the opinion of a supervisor who has limited understanding of the business training modules
We have operated with multiple clients who have been providing learning and development and other forms of developmental inputs to employees but are not satisfied with the output as they are not able to observe any sustained positive change in the behavior of employees after receiving an input. A few situations when we found that the need was different from the training implementation communicated by the client.
Corporate Training Implementation – One-to-Many / As an Indian Corporate training firm:
The sales team has been identified for negotiation skills workshop as they are not able to close and not able to negotiate with the client – while understanding the need and questioning the client and shadowing and observing the role holder while interacting with their prospective clients, we observed that the product knowledge, its application and benefits are not clear with the role holder as a result the role holder is not able to make the product part of the solution, even though the client has explicitly communicating his need and even after the product being superior to competition, a price slashing strategy is used by the role holder to try and close the deal.
A sales strategy workshop with focus on pre-sales preparation, customer interaction, feature, advantage and benefit of product and practice sessions on sales situation was conducted as level 1, followed by revisiting with market place with the role holder and providing developmental inputs. The level 2 was designed on day plan, cross selling and up selling, addressing competition and not selling on discounts but build value by servicing and after sales service. Building human capital for Joy of Growing is a long-term process which cannot be operated in isolation from the previous input. Only one Indian corporate trainer was deployed for the intervention and the body of knowledge and intelligence gathered during the intervention by the facilitator was transferred to the client. The initial requirement of the client was to utilize multiple trainers to interact with the employees but as the activity was a skilling intervention we took the one-to-many approach.
People Transformation / As a corporate trainer in India:
Calendar programs to create to impact the individual contributors was the need during the first interaction. And while trying to understand the objective of the intervention, HR realized that the actual requirement is different which might not be recognized, we requested an audience with the driver of initiative and were faced with the managing director.
The discussion was more tilted towards a tense environment, office being a place with no fun, employees not interacting freely with one another during and post office hours all indicating to a rather cautious employee behavior. The reason and impact were not known but a sense of unrest was always there in the organization which the MD wanted to change.
We at Jogpeople India, created an interaction room and over a set format had an interaction with 95 employees with maximum of 60 minutes per employee. The report was compiled to tabulate most occurring comments and least occurring comments to understand the ground reality at the organization. the report was presented to only the MD behind closed doors.
Trust and Ownership were the two identified stress points in the organization. The details of the study were not shared with the employees. A learning intervention was designed to discover what a single individual can contribute to the existing environment, which in the current state is not conducive to a good mental health. Over four days the participants were given multiple situations and discussions to rediscover the trustworthy human within. Over next 30 days they were given a project to create positive impact on a few situations within the organizations and also record areas where they were not able to make those positive changes and the reasons for the same. The coverage of the project was the whole location.
Positive changes were made with everyone but not the supervisor level indicating very clearly that the organization is rigid with levels and hierarchy. A skip level open feedback was created without names and the supervisors who also had been part of the program were given task to be more open and welcoming.
Few outcomes of the two-year intervention with ongoing counselling and reviewing sessions were that the employees started enjoying the office environment, Interactions with the supervisors were open and without fear, aligned to the organization objective, meeting as families and contributing socially to one another, TAT reduction was recorded in multiple cases and the team had transformed to a Solution finding team, Ownership and trust grew creating a Positive competition propelling environment.
ROI Measurements / As a Business training firm in India:
At Joy of Growing India we have had the opportunity to measure behavioral change for 3 of our clients. The changes were recorded not as claimed by the person but as observed by others.
Response Measure L1 – Measurements with participant feedback. Training experience recording after the program. Should not be used for executive decision making.
Knowledge Retention L2 – Participants should be aware that a test would be conducted to measure retention after 30 days of the training input. – probable data point for seriousness of the employee.
Application Measure L3 –learning outcome applied at market place, a trial and error stage where guidance should be provided and be reviewed closely, guidance and coaching needed by the participants.
Results Achieved after Application L4 –success stories of application of learning and getting positive response. Individual behavior change observed by external and internal customers. ROI is recorded at individual level – The positive impact on P&L would be recorded post this stage
Capability Enhancement – Learning & Development Solutions firm in Delhi
Joy of Growing New Delhi provides learning & development solutions employing its GROW Model through experienced and certified resources. Since each organization has unique L&D requirements, our modules and delivery methodology are uniquely blended to provide measurable, long term and consistent results. Some of the areas we work in include: –
Human resources Development Strategy and Alignment:
- Organizational Culture Change
- Leadership Development in business entities
- Excellence in Process & Manufacturing Organizations
- Team Effectiveness & Collaboration
- Employee First Initiatives
- Change and Discontinuity Management
- Financial Literacy across organization
- Performance Management and People Development
Individual Development / Employee development:
- Building 21st Century Leadership
- Profiling & Individual Effectiveness
- Personality Development
- Preventive Health and Stress Management
- Attitudinal Transformation
Sales Maximization / Grow Business:
- Large/Key Account Sales Management
- Selling Skills
- Business process strategies
- Channel Sales Management
- Increase business performance
- Building Customer Centric organization
The solutions could be executed in multiple formats:
- Classroom Training delivery
- One on one syndicate exercises
- Coaching
- Outbound workshops
- Business simulations
- Projects and reflections